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Daan Bramer

Daan Bramer (NL, 1967)


Daan Bramer is in origin active as an Architectural photographer in the Netherlands. Beside his commissioned work he became more and more active as an autonomous photographer.


Daan Bramer's layered landscapes reflect the relation between culture and nature, juxtaposing 'the hand of man' and 'the hand of nature'.


His way of dividing the plane, the use of light and the level of abstraction in his compositions, all aim to make the viewer both wonder as well as contemplate. Without wanting to pass judgment himself, he forces us to consider our impact on the landscape.


His interest in surrealism (and dadaism in particular) combined with his work as an architecture photographer, led Daan on his way to becoming a photographer of the 'wondrous landscape'.


His photographs are single shots, not assembled in post production. They are meant to solicit contemplation and not to express his own view on the matter. It is up to the viewer to form an opinion whether or not a particular instance of human influence on the landscape is acceptable or not.


He studied Business Economics at Erasmus University in Rotterdam and Autonomous Photography at the Photo Academy in Amsterdam (NL).

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